P-18 Mass Launch Program — Movie Stars and Aviators Take Flight

March Mass Launch waves filter

At our last Indoor Flying Session was the best “Stars & Aviators” Mass Launch to date!

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How to Set Up your own “Stars & Aviators Take Flight” Mass Launch Program
Useful Tips, Templates, and Advice for Model Builders and Administrators

Rules Governing the “Stars & Aviators Take Flight” Mass Launch Program”

To make it manageable, information for the Mass Launch Program
has been divided into three web pages with links to the other pages above.
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Captured below is a video of the March 2, 2019 “Stars and Aviators” Mass Launch.

In the video note the spontaneous positive crowd reactions to the event. Excitement was everywhere!

So what is all this HUB BUB about?

Introducing the “Movie Stars and Aviators Take Flight – Vanguard P-18 Airplane Mass Launch Program”

Humphrey Bogart P-18 rudder and wing tip
Jeff Nisley’s ” “Bogie” Vanguard P-18. Star’s name is on the Wing Tip & Photo is on the Rudder .

This season, with a desire to increase interest in our Fall and Winter Indoor Flying Sessions, HAFFA introduced a new and novel Mass Lauch event called “Movie Stars and Aviators Take Flight – Vanguard P-18 Mass Launch”. In the three months since it’s inception it has grown in the number of planes and in its popularity.

Vanguard P-18The event allows spectators to choose a favorite “Movie Star or Aviator” P-18 Indoor Model Airplane from our fleet to launch in the event. If there are enough planes to go around, HAFFA members may also participate. HAFFA Members are asked to build the  Vangaurd P-18 Indoor Model Airplanes which are available in kit form from Laser Cut Planes, and to donate them to the Club at the end of the season.


Humphrey Bogart rudder & stab photo
What’s amazing is that even from 30′ up you can still make out who it is.

HAFFA Members will show the participating visitors how to wind the rubber motor and will coach them in proper launching techniques so their entries will have a greater chance to win. In essence, you and your mentor is the “Pit Crew” for your favorite Movie Star or Aviator. GOOD LUCK!

The March event boasted a whopping eight P-18s (you can count them in the video) competing to win the coveted 1st prize. The honor went to Paul Morgenroth, III with his entry who will have bragging rights at least for a month anyway. Many are nipping at his heals with good looking planes of their own.


Here is a video of Marilyn Monroe’s maiden flight Dec 2, 2018. The first “Mass” Launch that day consisted of only two entries.

HAFFA Model Airplane Club with new Indoor Flying Event
Stars Take Flight — Indoor P-18 MASS LAUNCH
Jeff Renz with Introduction:

ADDITIONAL AUTHORS NOTE: As this video is playing, notice the crowd size behind Jeff as he introduces our idea for the first time.  Then go back and see the March video above and see for yourself what has happened three months later at our March Indoor Flying Session. We now have crowd participation.

As caught in the video above, Marilyn Monroe made her maiden flight on Dec 2, 2018 at the last Indoor Flying Session. As you can see at the end, she headed straight for a WALL!

That’s OK.

You see—part of the fun of flying these crazy things is that they need to be coaxed into flying properly (like in a circle). And as Mike Basta, our president, would say about a plane that is “Trimmed” properly — “She doesn’t seem to be displaying any  BAD HABITS”.

So fiddling with the angle of attack of the rudder or raising or lowering one side or the other of the stabilizer would seem to be in order to correct the straight path she took. (Don’t worry, you get plenty of tips of what to do from other members that can’t help themselves dole out their free advice. It’s all good, however.)

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Available Celebrities as of 3/5/2019
Note: Aviators have been added to the list!

 Chesley Sullenberger   (Sully: Miricle on the Hudson)
Bela Lugosi (Count Dracula)  —Howard Hughes — Manfred von Ricthofen (Red Baron) — Wilber Wright — Orville Wright — Amelia Earhart — James Cagney 
— Lucille Ball — Henry Fonda —  Fred Astaire — Judy Garland — Shirley   Temple  — Ingrid Bergman  — Elizabeth Taylor — Hedi Lamarr — Nicole Kidman   Marlon Brando — Vivian Lee — Red Skelton —  Robin Williams — Lanna Turner — Jack Nicholson — Charlie Chaplin

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Celebraties that have been Assigned as of 3/5/2019
Total Count Now Is 12!

Glenn Miller and Betty Grable — Mike Basta
Marilyn Monroe and Humphrey Bogart —Jeff Nisley
Jimmy Stewart and Jane Russell — Jeff Renz
John Wayne —Tim Pivonka
Lauren Bacall — Jerry White
Bette Midler — Dennis Baker
Natalie Wood — Scott Baird
Terry Crews —Paul Morgenroth, III
Pappy Boyington — Jeff Nisley / Wallie Freeburg
Here is a Web page devoted to Pappy Boyington , World War II Ace:

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You can make your Star choices from the Available Stars list above,
or select one from your own choosing.

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Below is a Gallery of Stars. Click the first photo to go to a Slide Show. Use the Esc key on your keyboard to exit the Slide Show.